Monday, September 30, 2013

The "m" looks as if it was moving forward. I made the "o" look like a ball bouncing. And the rest of the letters are in a wave and the is a type of moving.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

I wanted to put emphasis on "you" and also "music" so I made it bigger than the rest of the quote, because I think those are the most important subject in the quote. I used only three fonts so it's not too crazy and make it look weird.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Glyph monster/thing

This is my TARDIS made out of glyphs. And there is Tim, I made him when I got frustrated one day. There was many things that I had to overcome like: when Ms. Klein said it needed to be more glyph-y. So, this was very tedious. Also there is a picture that I based my glyph-y thing with.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Typography Worksheet

Typography Worksheet: Use the links below to complete the worksheet. 
Write out the answers to these questions in complete sentences. 

Label and define all of the above numbers:
1. Ascender line is a stroke from a letter which rises above the mean line.
2. The base line is the imaginary line on which all characters rest.
3. Ascender height is the x-height plus the height of the ascending stroke.
4. Cap height is the height of capital letters
5. Descender is the stroke of s letter which dips below the base line.
6. Ascender is the stroke of a letter which rises above the mean line.
7. X-height is the distance between the flat top and bottom of a letter that does not have a descender or ascender.
8. Cap line- the imaginary line which determines the height of capital letters.
9. Mean line- imaginary line that determines the height of the lower case letters.
10. Descender line- the imaginary line which defines the bottom reach of descenders.

Define Serif: a typeface that has projecting features.
Define Sans-Serif: a typeface that does not have projecting features.
When do you use Antique Fonts? They have a long history; can be used to evoke a period feel.
At most how many words should be Decorative Fonts at a time? Three.
What does a script font resemble? Quill pen and that mimic modern styles of handwriting.
Why use Symbol Fonts?

Define Typography: Making the letters look pretty….
Why do designers need a solid foundation in typography? Because it will make you more effective in making an underlying message in a work congaing words.
Kerning: the space between letters in a word.
Leading: is the space between the lines of text.
Tracking is the creation of “rivers” in a work, or the white space throughout the whole text.

When do you use Center Alignment? When a person wants to draw attention (used in newspapers, book titles, etc.).
When do you use Right Alignment? When a person wants to be more professional (business cards, return address labels).
When do you use Justified Alignment? Basically in textbooks and it also makes the perfect alignment when talking about margins.
What is remembered, good styling, and bad styling? Why? Bad styling is more remembered, because it just looks bad and it makes you laugh about it.
What is legibility? Basically means can a person read it.
Type size smaller than 7pt is:     5pt
Type size smaller than 3pts is:    2pt
Type range for legible type is:    8pt to 14pt
What size do you use for long passages? 8pt to 14pt
What case do we use for Body?  Upper and lower case.
What is measure? The width of the text column.
What can you tell me about Ranged/Ragged Edges?  Ranged is aligned to the left hand margin, and ragged is to the right and is mostly used with short text.
What are some ways text can be used as images? Summarize what you see.
A picture can be made from words. Words can be warped to fit around pictures or other texts.

Choosing and Using Type:
**Read ALL of it.  Answer the following:
Why is choosing and using the right font important? Your opinion.
I think that when you choose the right font it really shows your personality ,but showing your personality isn’t always a good thing, so just makes sure people can read it.
What are the two most important things to remember? Type is on the page to serve the text. Type should not overpower text. There are no good or bad typefaces.  
What is appropriate? What do you have to consider? You should consider who you are sending the work to. Don’t make serious things not serious because
Tell me the rules:  (there are 10)
1.       Body should be 10 to 12 w/ 11 point, use the same typeface throughout the body.
2.       Use enough line space; always add at least 1 or 2 points to the type size, like in the title.
3.       Don’t make your lines to short
4.       Make paragraph beginnings clear (indent).
5.       Use one space after a sentence.
6.       Don’t justify text unless it is necessary.
7.       Don’t underline anything
8.       Use italics instead of underlining
9.       Don’t use long lines in italics, bold, or in all caps.
10.   Leave space above headlines and subheads then below them, avoid headlines in all caps.

Friday, September 13, 2013

I used gradient, and ellipse, the offset path, and stuff of that nature for this dirty water drop.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

This made me very angry.... I used whatever it said to used, such as:  that shape builder tool, and  lasso was very useful.

Monday, September 2, 2013