Monday, October 28, 2013

For this picture color had to be a big part of the picture. The background had to be spooky and eerie so I chose dark red and black. And it is also advertisement for a party so people have to read it. and the another rules are there.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I learned how to use the effect "free distort". and also that color palette thing to make the colour in the text cool.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The simplest step was typing the word. The hardest step was the nose... stupid pen tool.

Friday, October 11, 2013

I used alignment in the picture with the words leading down to the water drop. Also the water drop is darker than the background so the audience can see it better.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

At first I didn't know how to do this and then I made the background black to show the word "darkness". And also as you can see I made the word "darkness" a darker color to show that when people say "the dark time in my life" they mean like the bad and the grey looking color makes it look more sad and depressed. The important words that are bigger are "darkness" and "color". The word "colors", rather than being all colorful I just made simple lines behind the word so it does not take away from the seriousness from the quote.

Color theory worksheet

Color Theory Worksheet
Please read the materials listed below and answer the following questions:

•           Color Theory Intro:
•           Color Wheel:
•           Color Combinations:
•           Tints, Shades & Neutrals:
•           Emotional Content:
•           Color Meaning:
•           Color Physiology:

Please type out answers in complete sentences.  You may paraphrase.  Please do NOT copy and paste definitions.

1.         Define hue: Hue is what tells one color apart from another.
2.         Define value: Value is the lightness or darkness of a color. It is also called tone.
3.         Define saturation: Saturation is the brightness of a color. It is also known as Chroma.
4.         How many colors are available on our computers? There are millions of colors.
5.         Define secondary color: Secondary colors are two primary colors mixed together.
6.         Define tertiary color: Tertiary colors are a primary and a color right next to it together.
7.         Define complementary colors: They are 2 colors that are opposite of each other.
8.         What are the primary colors in Photoshop? They are red, green, and blue.
9.         What are the secondary colors in Photoshop? They are cyan, magenta, and yellow.
10.       Define subtractive color model: This is where you mix the primary colors of Photoshop together.
11.       Define additive color model: This is where you mix the primary colors of a normal color wheel together.
12.       Is RGB additive or subtractive? It is additive.
13.       Is CMYK additive or subtractive? It is subtractive.
14.       What is the RGB color model used for? It is used for the way light mixes on a computer screen.
15.       What is the CMYK color model used for? It is used for printing.
16.       Define analogous colors: They are colors that sit next to each other.
17.       Define tint: Tint is where white is added to a color.
18.       Define shade: Shade is where black is added to a color.
19.       Define neutral: Neutral is a combination is complementary colors.
20.       What can be said in general about warm colors? They tend to pop out of a design.
21.       What can be said in general about cool colors? They tend to recede in a design.
22.       What color is associated with stability? Purple and Blue are colors of stability.
23.       What color symbolizes royalty? Purple is also associated with royalty.
24.       What is the color of cleanliness? Blue and white are colors of cleanliness.
25.       What color symbolizes freshness? Green symbolizes freshness.
26.       Which colors are associated with joy? Yellow and orange are associated with joy.
27.       What color symbolizes passion and danger? Red symbolizes passion and danger.
28.       Dark red is associated with: It is associated with vigor, willpower, rage, anger, leadership,courage, longing, malice, and wrath. Color Theory Worksheet
Please read the materials listed below and answer the following questions:

•           Color Theory Intro:
•           Color Wheel:
•           Color Combinations:
•           Tints, Shades & Neutrals:
•           Emotional Content:
•           Color Meaning:
•           Color Physiology:

Please type out answers in complete sentences.  You may paraphrase.  Please do NOT copy and paste definitions.