Thursday, November 21, 2013


Product Packaging
This is a research report to prepare for your next assignment as a designer.  You will review existing product packaging for it’s values and answer the questions for each product.  You must evaluate the packaging on 4 products.  2 Food and 2 Clothing. 

Define Product Packaging: 

Wikipedia gives 9 purposes for product packaging.  What are they?

1) Physical protection
Barrier protection
Containment or agglomeration
Information transmission
5) Marketing
Anti-counterfeiting Packaging
Portion control

Rules of Product Packaging
1.    Clarity and simplicity
2.     Honesty
3.    Authenticity (how are you memorable?)
4.    Shelf Impact ( shopper impulse )
5.    Extensibility  ( Can the design be applied to various flavors or packaging )
6.    Practicality
Research and Evaluation
Food Product #1

1) Name of the product: Swell
2) Picture of the Product
3) What is the focus of the product packaging? For surfers.
4) What do you like most about the packaging? The cool design, and it’s simple.
5) What do you like least about the packaging? It looks a little too vintage for the target audience.  
6) List items on the package, list all!  {ie:  Ingredients, barcode, picture, Slogan} etc. Picture of a wave, logo, “surf fuel”, ingredients.
7) What kind of packaging does it have?  It’s in a bag/box.
8) How many sides of the container are covered with information? All of them.
9) Does it have a repeated pattern anywhere on the package? Yes
10) Why would you pick this product/package over its competitor? It’s unique and cool looking.
11) What age is the audience of this product package? Older teens to adults.

Food Product #2
1) Name of the product: Sweet Time
2) Picture of the Product (Paste here)

3) What is the focus of the product packaging? Tea!
 4) What do you like most about the packaging? Everything
5) What do you like least about the packaging? Nothing.
6) List items on the package, list all!  {ie:  Ingredients, barcode, picture, Slogan} etc. Ingredients, the temp. the water should be.
7) What kind of packaging does it have? Box and then little tea thing in it.
8) How many sides of the container are covered with information? 2/4
9) Does it have a repeated pattern anywhere on the package? Yes, maybe.
10) Why would you pick this product/package over its competitor? It gives you a cube of sugar….. it’s really cute.
11) What age is the audience of this product package? Teens and adults who love tea.

Clothing Product #1
1) Name of the product: Milli Shoe
3) What is the focus of the product packaging? Shooooes
4) What do you like most about the product packaging? It looks like a bullet
5) What do you like least about the product packaging?
6) List items on the package.
7) What kind of packaging does it have? Bullet shape…. Metal????
8) How many sides of the container are covered with information? Barcode at the bottom. Logo on the cylinder side
9) Does it have a repeated pattern anywhere on the product packaging? It’s a bullet….
10) Does it have a slogan or a motivational saying? If so, type it out. NO.
11) Why do they have a slogan or motivation saying? Well the name is milli, short for millisecond fOOt rAcE????
12) Why would you pick this product packaging over its competitor? Bullet.
13) What age is the audience of this product packaging? Track runners 13-38

3) What is the focus of the product packaging? Clothes that look like food.
4) What do you like most about the product packaging? It’s really creative like it’s clothes THAT LOOKS LIKE FOOD
5) What do you like least about the product packaging? Nothing
6) List items on the package.
7) What kind of packaging does it have? Depends on what food you get.
8) How many sides of the container are covered with information? The front.
9) Does it have a repeated pattern anywhere on the product packaging? no. 
11) Why do they have a slogan or motivation saying? No
12) Why would you pick this product packaging over its competitor? Food
13) What age is the audience of this product packaging? Cool people.

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